12 Problems Affecting Teachers’ Training in Nigeria and Solutions

Any country’s development depends heavily on education, and teachers are the main forces behind that progress. However, there are a number of issues in Nigeria that have an impact on teacher growth and training.

Our Colleges of Education and Faculties of Education, which are the major teacher training programs in Nigeria face the following challenges:

Challenges of Teachers Training in Nigeria and Solutions

1. Lack of Adequate Training Facilities

The lack of proper training facilities is one of the main issues affecting teacher education in Nigeria. Many teachers training colleges in Nigeria lack the necessary facilities, such as classrooms, libraries, and laboratories.

Trainee teachers, therefore encounter difficulties learning how to teach effectively and keeping up with the most recent educational innovations without access to current equipment.

Solution: The government should spend money on building well-equipped training facilities and enhancing current infrastructure. This would allow aspiring teachers to learn in a comfortable setting and provide them with the chance to get practical training.

Related: 15 Problems Affecting Schools in Nigeria and Solutions

2. Insufficient Funding for Teacher Training

Inadequate finance is a serious challenge to effective teacher training in Nigeria. The shortage of funding for the education sector causes a dearth of resources for training initiatives.

As a result, training quality suffers and professional growth options are constrained.

Solution: The government should increase funding for teacher education and make sure that it is used wisely. Partnerships with businesses and international organizations may also be able to help support projects for teacher training.

Related: 12 Problems of Financing Education in Nigeria and Solutions

 3. Inadequate Number of Qualified Teacher Trainers

Another issue Nigeria has is the lack of trained teacher trainers. There aren’t many seasoned teachers with the know-how to successfully prepare and guide aspiring teachers.

The government could fund training programs for current teachers to improve their abilities and knowledge of teacher-training approaches as a solution to this problem.

Collaborations with overseas organizations might also give Nigerian trainers the chance to complete specialized training.

Related: 12 Ways To Improve Teacher Training Programs in Nigeria

4. Outdated Curriculum and Teaching Methods

In teacher training programs, the curricula and instructional strategies used frequently lag behind emerging educational trends.

The skills and competencies of freshly qualified teachers are compromised as a result of the disconnect between their training and the needs of the classroom.

Solution: It is important to regularly examine curricula in order to include new educational trends, instructional technologies, and teaching methods.

5. Limited access to professional development opportunities

Institutions that train teachers should place a strong emphasis on the practical implementation of instructional strategies and support creative classroom management.

Many instructors in Nigeria don’t have access to professional development programs that could help them improve their teaching and stay current with new pedagogical ideas.

This restriction restricts their ability to advance professionally and lowers the caliber of instruction given in the classroom.

An extensive system of teacher professional development activities, including workshops, seminars, and online courses, should be established by the government.

These programs have to be simple to access and specially designed to meet the needs of instructors at various stages of their careers.

6. Inequality in Teacher Training Opportunities

There is a sizable disparity in Nigeria when it comes to possibilities for teacher preparation. Compared to their counterparts in rural areas, teachers in metropolitan areas frequently have easier access to training programs.

This disparity makes the educational divide between urban and rural schools even worse.

Solution: Efforts should be made to guarantee equitable resource allocation and decentralize teacher preparation programs.

Teachers in far-off locations can receive training on an equitable basis with an introduction to mobile training units and distance learning programs.

7. Lack of Motivation and Incentives for Teachers

One demotivating element that impacts teacher training is the absence of incentives and motivation for teachers. Teachers frequently struggle with little pay, little room for advancement, and little appreciation for their work.

So both the teachers’ trainers and the trainee teachers aren’t so motivated about what they are doing.

Solution: To increase teachers’ motivation, the government could create policies and offer alluring incentives, like performance-based prizes, chances for professional promotion, and recognition programs.

This would motivate more people to invest in their professional development and pursue teaching as a career.

8. Poor Teacher Recruitment and Selection Process

In Nigeria, the selection and hiring of teachers frequently lack efficiency and transparency. This results in the hiring of unskilled workers (as long as they have the connections) who might not possess the requisite abilities and enthusiasm for teaching.

Solution: Establishing a stringent, merit-based hiring procedure is essential. To find people who have the skills and enthusiasm for teaching, this may involve conducting in-depth evaluations, interviews, and assessments.

To guarantee the hiring of suitable candidates, clear selection criteria should be created.

9. Inadequate Supervision and Mentoring of Trainee Teachers

For new instructors to effectively develop their teaching abilities, they need to be properly supervised and mentored. However, many Nigerian institutions that produce teachers lack formal mentoring programs.

Solution: Creating mentoring programs where veteran teachers coach and assist new teachers would be extremely beneficial to their professional development.

Regular feedback sessions, classroom observations, and helpful advice should all be a part of these programs to aid trainee teachers in developing their instructional strategies.

10. Low Teacher Salaries and Benefits

Teachers in Nigeria frequently struggle with low wages and inadequate benefits. This not only makes instructors less motivated, but it also deters talented people from choosing a career in education.

To attract and keep qualified workers, the government should examine and raise teacher compensation. 

To further enhance teachers’ general well-being, complete benefit packages should be offered, including healthcare and retirement plans.

11. Challenges in Technology Integration in Teacher Training

To prepare teachers for the digital era, it is crucial to incorporate technology into teacher training programs.

Although many institutions struggle to successfully integrate technology into their training courses.

Solution: Teacher preparation programs should give priority to incorporating technology into them. It will improve their technical literacy to give new teachers practical experience with educational technologies and encourage them to use digital tools in their classrooms.

Related: 12 Roles of ICT in Educational Development in Nigeria

13. Ineffective Assessment and Evaluation of Trainee Teachers

The methods used to evaluate and assess beginning instructors sometimes fall short of objectivity and do not accurately reflect their genuine teaching abilities.

This reduces the ability of teacher training programs to create effective teachers.

Solution: It is critical to have thorough and uniform assessment procedures that gauge trainee teachers’ topic knowledge, classroom management skills, and teaching proficiency.

It is important to perform regular evaluations in order to pinpoint trainee teachers’ areas of need for growth and offer them specialized support.


Numerous obstacles that Nigerian teacher training must overcome prevent the development of qualified and efficient educators.

However, Nigeria can work toward a stronger and more effective education system by addressing the difficulties raised in this article, such as upgrading the recruitment process, increasing financing, and giving many opportunities for professional growth.

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